Parkings a Cases Penjades, Conca
These homes are the result of a series of works that began in the Middle Ages to improve the existing primitive dwellings. They used to form part of a whole string of houses partially suspended over the Huécar gorge. Their origin is not known with complete certainty: some people believe they were built by the Muslims, while for others, they are Medieval in origin (14th or 15th century). They could have been a former stately home, because of the coat of arms of Canon Gonzalo González de Cañamares that can be found inside.
The myths, legends and magic in which these houses are steeped have raised them to the category of national monument. Today, the complex consists of three houses that were restored in the 20th century. Two of them, the Casas del Rey and the Casa de la Sirena, house the Museum of Spanish Abstract Art (Museo de Arte Abstracto Español) and a typical local restaurant.
The unusual form that these houses have today is the result of the refurbishments planned in 1928 by the council’s architect, Fernando Alcántara, and later redesigns in 1950 and 1978. Since 1959, there has been a restaurant in which you can try out the regional cuisine, and since 1966 it has been possible to visit the Museum of Spanish Abstract Art, which now exhibits works by artists such as Saura, Oteiza, Chillida, Torner, Zóbel, Tàpies and other members of the so-called “Abstract Generation” of the mid-20th century.
If you wish, you can park your vehicle nearby at our Saba public car park that’s open 24 hours a day and located at Cuenca Train Station on Avenida Cerro de la Estrella. It is equipped with charging points for electric vehicles.