Multiday 24 hours
Park from 1 to 30 days and save up to 70%

Book your parking for several days for 24 hours and save up to 70%
Your parking can be much cheaper. Get up to 70% discount* with Multiday 24h.
BuyAdvantages of booking Multiday 24 hours
Flexible schedule
No schedules! Park whenever you need it.
Central locations
Find parking in the best areas.
Save with Saba
Out with the usual rates! Pay less for your parking
Number plate access
Link your number plate to your Multiday to access the car park as easily as possible.
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The 24h Multiday product runs from 00:01 h to 23:59 h on the contracted day or days.
How to buy this product
Find your car park
Type the location where you want to park and select the days in the search bar.
Choose your Multiday
Select "Multiday 24h" in the results list.
Buy online
Click on "Buy" and pay with your bank card.
All parked!
Now you have your parking space sorted out for the days you need.
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See Terms and Conditions 
If you purchase this product online and you have VIA-T you must remove your device from the vehicle before entering the car park to avoid double charges.
This multi-day product must be purchased before the start of the stay in the car park.
*Discount on the daily rate of the car park. Variable discount depending on the car park and number of days contracted.